Delivering the highest
level of customer service
Noble Customer Care
At Noble Metal Services, exceptional customer service is ingrained into our culture. From the front office through the processing plant, every team member is committed to ensuring that our customers receive the highest level of service and that they are treated with the respect and responsiveness that they deserve.
New customers please fill out Account Set-up Form.
Our Process
We pride ourselves on our transparency and consultation throughout the entire refining process. From providing pre-paid shipping labels to the final settlement of a refining lot, we work with each customer to ensure that they understand the production process and the timeframe associated with each step. Communication is our specialty and we treat our customers the way that we like to be treated.
Shipping & Logistics
Our team of logistics specialists are ready to serve you. Simply complete our shipping form or call us and we will send you a pre-paid, insured shipping label or secure containers with seal tags for you to begin collecting your materials for shipment.
Flexible Payment Options
With such volatile metal markets, you will appreciate our flexible payment options. We can lock in metals pricing at your request to limit your exposure to market risk. Payment can be issued on the day of settlement in the form of a Check, ACH Wire, or a variety of physical metal or bullion offerings. We can also provide Metal Consignment ‘pool account’ that can be priced at a future date or transferred to financial institutions or fabricators.