
Noble Metal Services takes it’s environmental reponsibility seriously. 

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Noble Metal Services is fully committed to protecting our environment and we recognize that we have a corporate and social responsibility to ensure that our facility, equipment, and processes fully support our goal to be a leader in responsible environmental management.

Our Commitment to Sustainability is threaded throughout our organization. We have implemented a pro-active joint eff­ort of our management team and labor force to continually monitor and refine our processes to further support our goal to reduce environmental impact.

Noble’s state-of-the-art equipment and modernized technologies help to ensure that the handling and treatment of material in our plant is fully compliant with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and the State of Rhode Island’s Environmental Management Group (RIDEM).

In addition, Noble follows the science of BACT – Best Available Control Technologies and pro-actively installed a highly efficient incineration system, fully compliant with the current EPA regulations and permitted by RIDEM. Noble’s incineration systems are employee safe, environmentally sound, computerized, and extremely effective.

Practicing environmental responsibility requires sound policy, procedures, and personnel. Noble takes these tasks quite seriously and is continuously monitoring our procedures and systems. Operating the business since 1998 as an industrial precious metal refiner, Noble has always proactively engaged with governmental authorities prior to enhancing or adding processing capabilities to our facility.

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous wastes are defined as wastes that have properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment. In regulatory terms and as defined in Subpart C of 40 CFR Part 261, a RCRA hazardous waste is a waste that appears on one of the four hazardous waste lists (F-list, K-list, P-list, U-list) or exhibits at least one of these four characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity (source the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Sound hazardous waste management demands specific protocols for storage, transportation, and treatment.

We have the experience, track record, and personnel to manage your waste streams correctly and ensure EPA compliance. State, and local compliance issues may vary, so always consult your local regulatory authorities.

UN approved containers are a requirement to hold and store hazardous wastes. Proper storage, labeling, coding, preparation of the manifest and final treatment of the material are also requirements. During transport, Noble Metals provides 24-hour emergency contact and shipment profiles.

All wastes received into our plant in Cranston, RI are treated within EPA guidelines and monitored by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.

Additionally, we have open communications with our first responders, community, and employees, and maintain a well-defined Emergency Action Plan.